Madison Gem and Mineral Club

Rockhounding, Lapidary, Geology, Fossils, Paleontology, Metalsmithing...

Welcome to the Madison Gem & Mineral Club. Purpose: to promote & encourage the study of mineralogy, lapidary, gemology, paleontology, & other allied fields. 

Open Lab

Typically open lab is on Saturdays, broken into 2 shifts (per 4 hours: it is $5 for certified club members and $10 for non-members), 9AM to 1PM, & 1PM to 5PM. Please check our Facebook Page for cancellations, etc. NOTICE: The pandemic has limted availablity greatly. The Facebook page is your best resource for updates.

Introduction to Lapidary 

Registration through the Wheelhouse Studios registration page

Monthly Meetings

The Madison Gem and Mineral Club has monthly meetings the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the AB20 Lecture Hall in Weeks Hall, UW Department of Geoscience. Meetings are free and open to  all.

Please check the Newsletters and Facebook for info about the next meeting and announcements. 

For current updates, please join our Facebook group

Membership Dues

Annual Rates: $15 for individual; $20 for family; $5 for junior up to age 17.

The club has digital newsletters via email, the club site, & Facebook. If you require a hard copy, there is a $6 annual mailing fee. 

Please email for the most up to date application  


 Send dues to Treasurer (Rick Maske) at meetings or club address: 

Madison Gem & Mineral Club, 

P.O. Box 8882

Madison, Wi. 53708