World Geoscience News
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Oldest spearpoints, or error in dating?
Tracking coprostanol, a by-product of the digestion of cholesterol
Greek cave may have inspired Hades myths.
Much detail about various Rhino's fossilized in various volcanic eruptions.
Trying to reconstruct a new dinosaur.
Fossil ciliate found in fossilized leach cocoon.
New way to protect limestone buildings.
Prof looking for some large volcanic rocks mislaid in Wausau area for Mead volcanic display.
4 winged dino crow had good flight control.
Great fossils along Alabama River.
Biggest ammonite fossil mold yet found.
Horner not giving up on creating dinosaurs from chickens.
Perspectives on earthquake geologists convicted of manslaughter in Italy.
Amazing ocean sediment bacteria conduct electricity to aid respiration.
Salton Sea volcanoes not very old at all and starting to smell.
Vast number of fossilized turtles found in China.
Meteor preserve in Poland produces large iron meteorite
Legend of a whole planet made of diamonds.
You can buy a piece of mars...for a price.
What had 1400 elaborate teeth and lived 65 million years ago.
Ancient spider and wasp trapped in resin.
Amazing photos of rivers in iceland volcanic area.
Spending $1 billion to drill to mantle.
Monogenetic volcanoes only erupt once
Dinosaur likened to a 2 legged porcupine with a parrot beak rediscovered.
New fossil site found in Burgess shale.
Photo of checking Burgessshale on mountainside.
Claim of massive numbers of diamonds created by meteor impact.
Drought could be worse and spur fire devils.
Fungi put an end to coal formation?
Giant viruses an ignored branch of life?
Beautiful roman mosaics found in Turkey.
Some cambrian oddities lived longer than previously thought.
300,000 year old spears found in brown coal mine.
Evolution of insect metamorphosis
More kinds of rock "berries" found on Mars.
Green rust a rare form of iron has interesting properties.
They said it couldn't be found: elemental flourine. It has been found and it stinks.
Cache of giant marsupial mega fauna fossils found in Australia.
Baby Ediacaran rangeomorphs (frond animals) fossils found in Newfoundland.
Bilaterian animal of 585 million years ago tracks discovered.
Maya archaeologists unearth new 2012 monument
Another possible explanation for earth not freezing over when sun was 30% fainter.
Comparing tomatoes and dinosaurs
Transylvanian nesting colony of Late Cretaceous birds.
A turtle the size of a small car once roamed what is now South America 60 million years ago
An ink sac from a 160-million-year-old squidlike giant contains still soft pigment.
Huge city over 9000 years old in 120 feet of water off coast of India.
Larger than usual space rock blew up over California 4/22/2012.
Imagining the feathered tyrannosaurs.
Giant dinosaur eggs like 1 meter found.
Finding emeralds at fee dig North American Emerald Mine in Hiddenite, N.C
Incredible magnetic tornadoes filmed on sun.
Wolly mammoth carcass found in Siberia.
Fluffy feathered tyrannosaur fossils found in China.
Minimoons that visit earth and possibly orbit a while.
Display of giant snake that lived 58 millon years ago.
Prehistoric Lobsters Made Homes of Ancient Ammonoid Shells
How moon came to keep mottled side always in view from earth.