Lapidary Shop
In 2009 the Club opened a lapidary shop at the Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street on the East side of Madison. At last, a public rock-cutting lab is available in Madison again. The lab is open to the public. We ask a small fee, and have a certification process. For Spring 2010, the lab is open Saturdays 9-1, and 1-5 pm (two four-hour sessions.) The lab will will also host the spring Lapidary mini-courses offered in conjunction with the UW Memorial Union.
The fee is $5 for Club members and $7 for non-members. Certification is achieved by (a) Having completed the MATC lapidary course offered a few years ago. (b) Completing one of the courses currently offered by the Madison Gem and Mineral Club (c) Taking a "crash course" offered periodically, or on demand, by the Lab Education Coordinator (d) by demonstrating knowledge of lapidary equipment to the Lab Manager.
For more information about the Lapidary Shop, Contact Lab Manager Andy VandenAvond (608-277-8019) or Club President Al Vonderohe (608-635-2096)